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A College Student In A Pandemic

Joanna Giano

When will things get back to normal?

This OPED was written by Joanna Giano, on February 2021 and reposted in 2022. Covid rates have now changed.

The school year is ending, and covid rates are higher than they have ever been before. I hate saying this because my issue does not compare to the millions struggling right now, but I’m sad that this is what my college experience has come to. I’m not sure when we are coming back to campus. My years of fun, collaborative education, and self-discovery are slipping by. College is supposed to be four years of finding your community and yourself. Building a career and education. Reinventing yourself and finding your passion. You grow into your adult self with a supportive community of peers. Unfortunately, college students did not get to experience that this year due to the pandemic. I’m not sure when we will get to it again. It is hard not feeling like you are not “wa

sting” your youth on the pandemic. A time that one anticipates because of the beautiful opportunities. Seniors in college are entering the worst workforce in ages! They lost their last two years of collaborative learning and self-discovery on top of that.

Now teenagers and young adults are growing up in an isolated world and losing the opportunity to explore new ideas. I never thought I would say I miss being in a classroom. Having your work laid out and committing to an hour or more lesson that doesn’t have to be watched over YouTube. Education is lacking teacher interaction. Throughout my educational journey, I met some inspiring professors who have made me a better student. I always refer to my sophomore English teacher in high school who inspired me. My English teacher loved my writing and supported my interest in journalism. Through great teachers, I learned some of the most valuable skills that I hold to this day.

I didn’t get to have a freshman year at college filled with parties and discovery; I might also not get to have a sophomore year, but finding ways to venture out is still important and should be done. I started my journey by looking into clubs at the college I could join. I found a group of writers running my college newspaper; I began collaborating with them. I found a way to mix learning and discovery with a hobby I love. We are all hoping the pandemic will end soon so we can go back to normality.


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