By Sabrina Lettera

Planet Fitness
Photo by: EEJCC
Going to the gym can be used for weight loss, stress relief, entertainment, and more. The problem most people have is gaining the motivation to go. In my experience, there are tricks one can learn that make it easier and somewhat enjoyable to go.
Having a well-balanced diet is one of the key tricks. When starting out, it is important to limit junk food and processed foods. These foods make people tired and have a lack of energy.
Protein is an important food to eat when going to the gym, whether you are going to lose weight or not. It helps you stay full for long amounts of time which prevents snacking.
That being said, it is okay to have cheat days. Going from unhealthy eating to eating just healthy foods is a big change. Eating a cookie after dinner once a week or even twice is not bad. Just don’t eat one every night. Try to cut down on the sweets.
Making a schedule that is easy to follow can help. Meaning if you want to wake up at 10 in the morning four times a week to go to the gym, then follow that schedule. It is all about a routine that works for you. You can incorporate food into this schedule so you know what you’ll be preparing each day.
Not only is making a routine helpful, but it is also important to create one in the gym itself. For example, one day you might want to do cardio and the next you might want to do legs.
Creating a gym routine can help you follow a schedule and give you motivation to go.
Even if you don’t do the exact gym routine each time you go, seeing the routine written down makes you want to go and get it done which gives you that motivating feeling.
Finding a gym you are comfortable in is a plus when working out. Feeling uncomfortable in a space you are supposed to feel confident can be a tough feeling. Going through a free trial for some gyms is a great way to find out which gym is the right fit. This can make or break a workout.
Gaining motivation for the gym can be tricky, but these tips may help someone get a start. It is important to not get down on yourself and keep trying, even when you feel like quitting. It is hard at the start, but once you keep going it will become easier each day.