By Jose Yrizarry
Feels weird it seems! Mind blowing it is! The Social Masks now Mandatory Made
Surgical gloves and homemade masks pulling ears so far forward
People! Animated Disney Dumbo’s turned to roam the streets
Bank robbers! Terrorists! The Lone Ranger resurrected!
Walking into stores like bandits robbing – hoarding – charming toilet paper victimized
People stampeding to get and get. Lions tigers and bears oh my!
Justified paranoia gone crazy.
The climbing human death toll finally hitting home;
the individual conscience raised, the consequences shared, all truly hitting home
Imposed isolation - mandated social distancing, small business drowning – Government straining
Need be said where church and faith now stands with God in mind … and so on.
A domino effect snowballing its way like a runaway freight train pushing mass spiritual awakening.
Lions tigers and bears oh my! Now the we faced with just
just self, just partners, just family, just home –just discovering just
just how empty, just how fragile, just how shallow existence and relations
with self, with others, with God has been … wow … so sudden … eyes now open wide
The imaginary, the social, cultural, economic, intellectual and spiritual masks
Masks once so easy worn … now … Abruptly taken off - replaced - one so necessary now
Now! One common mask! One common foe!
A virus, a pandemic global blast of reality breathing fear and panic into every heart.
National and international borders shattered –
the human race brought to its knees within a common ship
its sails engraved “ Plea n Praise “
God created to be known …. Now … We want to be known with a sighing cry
Intervention, Mercy n Grace … and then … then what?
Storm dust settles – human race n enterprise restored? What learned applied ignored who knows?
Once more what masks to wear we choose. Once more what masks to wear we choose
When once more left unquarantined
Jose Yrizarry is a student at NCC
