By Rebecca Lubin

Photo credit: Norwalk Community College
“We want to create well-rounded and holistic educational approaches, and a part of that is getting involved in campus” -Javon C. Noblin
Do you have free time after classes and are looking to get more involved on campus?
Well, look no further. Join the Student Government today! Student Government is the voice of the student body at Norwalk Community College with a goal to bring forth issues or questions that affect students. They are also responsible for funding all of NCC’s official campus clubs and organizations.
Faculty member Javon C. Noblin advises the program and the students who are in Student Government. Noblin feels that students participate in student government because they understand the importance of the program or for the experience. “Sometimes students are coming to NCC having had student government in high school or sometimes just want to make a difference," she said.
Students also join because it looks great on resumes and college applications. It’s really an opportunity to learn a lot and to find out the inner workings of NCC. Noblin states that she wishes more students would join the program but it’s a struggle post-Covid. She also feels that, in general, students aren’t as in tune on campus as they should be. Because this is a community college, students are just going to classes, working, and going home to take care of family. Whereas at four-year college, students are more involved because school feels like a second home.
Being in Student Government has a tremendous effect on the NCC student experience. “It's because students have more exposure to staff, students, and faculty creating a broader network both socially and educationally," Noblin said.
They also gain connections that could help with internships or a job, she continued. “I think being a part of student government really lends itself to creating that more well-rounded student experience so it’s not just about going to class and leaving campus. It’s about making NCC a part of your home base."
One challenge the Student Government faces is time. The program requires a time commitment and a genuine desire to participate. The upside is meeting other people in the social aspect of the program. Noblin stated that the president of student government is going to an Ivy League college and because of the resources and relationships she gained in the program, she’s able to have Noblin and English professors read over her college entry essay and gain pointers. Students learn new skills such as conflict resolution and time management.
Noblin says to students that are on the fence about joining to try and attend two meetings to see if they like it. “Education outside of the classroom is exceedingly important and I think students need to understand that,” Noblin says, “there’s so much growth in education that is happening in social settings and the educational process is larger than just academics.”
Student Government meetings take place every Monday at 2:30 p.m. via Webex or in-room west 104.
Rebecca is a Voice writer.