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Write for us!

The Voice student-run newspaper club and course COM 115 is proud to announce the first Spring '22 issue is published here.

Our content includes news, op-eds, and essays intended to inform, engage and allow for free student expression. Current headlines include 'Students, faculty rally for NCC Shuttle', 'Well-rounded experience, club funding are roles of Students Government,' and 'Students will Travel South for Alternative Spring Break.' Stories about NCC's Spring musical 'Into the Woods' and the upcoming Virtual Majors Fair' are coming soon. Our news staff is students registered for COM115 and members of The Voice Club at NCC. All majors are welcome to participate. We also invite students and faculty to submit items for publication. Meetings are Mondays with writing support Wednesdays at 4 p.m. on WebEx. The Voice welcomes new editors Joanna Giano and Victoria Rosenblum. All NCC students may join the club or register for the course COM115 Student Newspaper Writing to participate. At this time we welcome submissions from students and staff for publication. For all inquiries, please contact club/course advisor Donna Christopher at We appreciate your support in reading our content and invite all comments, tips, and suggestions. Please also follow us on Instagram , like and share your student-run newspaper.

~ The Voice editors and writers

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